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Access information and resources that support the work you do as a CAPTE on-site reviewer, including access to the Portal, the Accreditation Handbook, and other key resources.

Site Visits

View dates of upcoming Upcoming Program Reviews. Travel arrangements should be made using the Travel Portal available via the CAPTE Portal.

CAPTE Portal

The CAPTE Accreditation Portal provides On-site Reviewers and Candidacy Reviewers with an opportunity to keep their personal and professional information current, update conflicts with programs and dates for upcoming visits, and access all related materials for programs assigned to them for review (i.e., Self-study Reports, Applications for Candidacy, and Compliance Reports). All program documentation is submitted through the CAPTE Accreditation Portal. Additionally, resources to support CAPTE reviewers are provided in the Portal or on a protected Web-restricted page for easy access and retrieval.

Declare Conflicts with Upcoming Site Visits
PT Site Visits / PTA Site Visits  

click on ‘Edit Conflicts’ button in On-site Reviewer Tile of CAPTE Portal. 

Access the CAPTE Portal

The following is a list of resources for On-site and Candidacy Reviewers:   

Documents for both Candidacy and Accreditation Program Reviewers:

APTA Travel Guide
Travel Planning and Reimbursement Information
TripEasy Booking Instructions
Travel Info Form
Accreditation Handbook

Candidacy Reviewer Documents:

AFC Instructions and Forms (PT)
AFC Instructions and Forms (PTA)
Application for Candidacy (PT)
Application for Candidacy (PTA)
Candidacy Visit Report (PT)
Candidacy Visit Report (PTA)
Candidacy Visit Sample Schedule
Candidacy Visit Exit Report template

Program Reviewer Documents:

SSR Instructions and Forms Standards (PT)
SSR Instructions and Forms Standards (PTA)
Self-study Report (PT)

Self-study Report (PTA)
Initial/Reaffirmation Program Report (PT)
Initial/Reaffirmation Program Report (PTA)
On-site Visit Sample Visit Schedule
On-site Visit Exit Report template


OSR Nominations

If you have recently participated as a stakeholder in the candidacy and/or accreditation review process for a PT or PTA program and would like to nominate yourself or someone else to become an on-site reviewer, please forward the name and basic contact information (phone, e-mail, program affiliation if applicable) to CAPTE staff.

OSR training is conducted on an as-needed basis. Interested individuals will be expected to accept assignment at least once annually and complete their first visit within 1-4 months of completing the workshop and other training requirements.

Interested in Serving on CAPTE?

On-site reviewers are eligible to serve on CAPTE after completion of 3 on-site visits or candidacy visits. Seven to eight positions on CAPTE open each year. Each position is defined as to the type of individual who is eligible (e.g., a program director, a PTA clinician, a basic scientist) so the types of individuals being sought to fill open positions vary each year. If you are interested in serving, please contact the Department of Accreditation to determine what positions will be filled in a given year. CAPTE's terms begin on January 1 and are four years in length.