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CAPTE Adopts 2024 Standards and Required Elements

CAPTE adopted new Standards and Required Elements for Accreditation of Physical Therapist Education Programs and new Standards and Required Elements for Accreditation of Physical Therapist Assistant Programs. All programs should refer to the 2024 Standards ad Required Elements Transition Plan for when the new standards will apply. CAPTE expects all programs to meet the new standards and required elements as of Jan. 1, 2026.

Thank you to the Standards and Review Group for their work over the past two years.

Peggy Gleeson, Chair CAPTE Central Panel
Pat Brown CAPTE Central Panel
Pam Ritzline CAPTE Central Panel
Scott Davis American Council of Academic Physical Therapy
Sammi Beckman CAPTE PTA Panel
Christina Howard PTA Special Interest Group
Senobia Crawford APTA Academy of Education
Lisa Bradley CAPTE PT Panel
Kristin Greenwood External Member
James Schanandore, PhD External Member - non-PT/non-PTA

The Commission thanks all those who provided feedback on the adequacy of previous PT Standards and Required Elements and PTA Standards and Required Elements as well as the multiple drafts of the revised standards.

Accreditation staff established a standards and required elements transition plan that includes a timetable on page four.

2024 Standards and Required Elements Transition Plan

Programs should review the 2024 Standards and Required Elements Transition Plan for the standards to which your program will write when submitting self-study reports, application for candidacy reports, compliance or progress reports, application for approval of substantive change, annual accreditation reports, and other CAPTE documents. Contact accreditation staff at should you have any questions.

The CAPTE Accreditation Handbook comprises the official operating policies, practices, and procedures used by CAPTE. It includes the Rules of Practice and Procedure, the Standards and Required Elements for PTs and PTAs, and CAPTE's Position Papers.

For ease of use, the Handbook is divided into those four parts:

Rules of Practice and Procedure - March 2024
Contains current CAPTE’s official operating policies, procedures, and practices, which the commission reviews regularly. The most recent revisions are highlighted in yellow.

Rules of Practice and Procedure - For August 2024
(Rules that will go into effect in August 2024)

2016 PT Standards and Required Elements
Defines the standards and required elements for accreditation as a physical therapist education program.

2016 PTA Standards and Required Elements
Defines the standards and required elements for accreditation as a physical therapist assistant education program.

2024 PT Standards and Required Elements
Defines the standards and required elements for accreditation as a physical therapist education program.

2024 PTA Standards and Required Elements
Defines the standards and required elements for accreditation as a physical therapist assistant education program.

2016 - 2024 PT SRE Crosswalk
This crosswalk highlights the differences between the 2016 SREs and the 2024 SREs.

2016 - 2024 PTA SRE crosswalk

This crosswalk highlights the differences between the 2016 SREs and the 2024 SREs.

CAPTE Position Papers

Lists the positions that CAPTE has adopted, with adoption and revision dates, as well as positions the commission has rescinded. The most recent revisions are highlighted.