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All accredited and candidate programs are required to submit an Annual Accreditation Report. This report is used to collect comprehensive data on each program. The data collected is used for program reviews and to create the annual aggregate data and salary reports. The AAR is also used by researchers and other interested parties.

Please use the AAR questions in the instruction Word document to gather your data before entering the data on the Portal. The instruction document includes guidance that is not available on the Portal.

2024 AAR Due Date:

Monday, December 2, 2024

2024 AAR Instructions

2023 PTA Candidacy Program AAR Instructions
2023 PT Candidacy Program AAR Instructions

2024 PTA Program AAR Instructions
2024 CAPTE Annual Accreditation Report - PTA Instruction Video

2024 PT Program AAR Instructions
2024 CAPTE Annual Accreditation Report - DPT Instruction Video